Mar 17
The mid week run – to get those miles in. I think by the end of this week I will have hit 45miles+… The biggest yet. Not looking forward to 20miles at the weekend.
The mid week run – to get those miles in. I think by the end of this week I will have hit 45miles+… The biggest yet. Not looking forward to 20miles at the weekend.
A Ted session last night has left me feeling a little burnt out today. He is a hard task master and had us running minute and 30 second reps, at pretty much flat out sprint. Looking at the stats today I hit 180bpm which I haven’t done for a while! At one point I could feel my heart hammering, which made me feel a little queasy! Ted is fast and started shouting encouragement at me to go faster and catch him up. He gave me a couple of pointers while I was running which boosted my speed – he is good. It was really nice to have some proper coaching.
I returned to Talybont reservoir to run 13miles today. The weather was crisp, milder than back in January with no snow underfoot! The track alongside the reservoir made for a steady climb up the edge of the hill, harder than before as potholes and large stones made up the surface. The last section of the uphill was tough, a sharp incline up through the woods which opened out onto a pretty plateau. The sun coming through the trees was beautiful – I had a sudden urge to take up fell running! The road down and back was long, but pleasant. This beats running in London any day. Oh, I also ran with my camalback today – straps tightened – it felt fine, apart from a slightly sweatier back than usual. A burnt out car ruined the view at one point, but made for an interesting photo.
A gentle 3 miler in the surrounding Welsh lanes. On my hilly run I saw a Red Kite, two horses, lots of sheep with lambs, and a friendly sheepdog. I ambled and didn’t really run much, but the views were great, and the sun was shining. One hill I just couldn’t run back up, and had to walkrun.
Track with Bernie tonight. I ran there with him – he’s done six marathons, a couple on a weeks training! Was great to get back to some speed work. On advice from Bernie for those doing Marathon training we did mile reps. 3 in total with a 3 minute recovery between each mile. 4 laps making up a mile. We ran at 30seconds below our Marathon pace – so for me this was 7:30. The aim is to get used to running miles at a faster pace than your Marathon pace so the real Marathon feels easier?! I raced Nick the last 100m – he won.
The mid week run always harbours the potential to be a bit boring and sits high on the scales of skipping. (not the rope kind). Ray set out with me, hoping to accompany me, but his Achilles is haunting him, and he had to make a break for home 2 miles in. I cursed myself for not packing my ipod, oh well, I had lots of time to ‘meditate’ and think about very random things. Stimulating routes of over 8 miles in NW1 are becoming a real challenge to map. I took us to and up Primrose Hill, briefly taking in the windy view, then down and round Regents and onto Hyde Park. A dark and traffic lined lap of Hyde Park was new, but not very exciting. (oh how I wish it were summer!). The high point of the run was overtaking 9 guys running 2 abreast, tied together at the waist – bizarre.
No Ted again last night, so I took Wendy to the hill and we did 7 loops. Not a particularly taxing session, but my quads still felt a little weak from Saturday. It’s still pretty cold – looking forward to ditching the gloves, hat etc, but when will this be?!
mmm not quite as many as I should have, due to skipping one run during the week. Week 10 will be better…. |
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