Apr 13

Tapering is very strange. A bizarre mix of emotions. It feels wrong to be running so little when you feel so fit, but at the same time I could quite easily not run at all. I’m all runned out, nearly every aspect is becoming tiresome. Carrying around my kit, washing my kit, eating at certain times, eating certain things, saying no to social gatherings. Although I’m already panicking slightly with what I can replace my marathon training with… trail running, cross country, biking?

I forgot my garmin tonight – major fail, I now feel like I cannot run without it, naked, almost. So I detoured via home on the way to club, but sadly didn’t continue on my way when I realised the sun was shining, Regent’s Park was just a hop and skip away and I would be finished by 7.30.

I ran randomly through the park, finding it hard to cover 5 miles. Strangely it seems so much harder to cover a mid distance 5 miles than it is to cover 10+. It’s as if my mind and body thinks “If you’re not going to commit to a decent distance than we can’t be bothered”

I survived and had a super early night, asleep by 10.45.

written by Charky

